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Post Info TOPIC: A.P.P.L.E. project for LINGUA 2 – SOCRATES
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A.P.P.L.E. project for LINGUA 2 – SOCRATES

A.P.P.L.E. (Autonomous Package Preschool Language Education) aims to promote early foreign language learning to preschool children from new Member States (or candidates) and Greece. Our project will develop a new language tool which will introduce English and French to preschool children through an innovative method using multimedia technology. Our goal is to motivate children in early foreign language learning by using a playful approach and by creating a language friendly environment.

Specifically, A.P.P.L.E. project will develop CD ROMs for preschool children to be used with the assistance of their parents at home or as didactic material with the assistance of teachers in kindergartens. The project will be supported by a Web Site and printed material for teachers and parents.

The main idea of the project is to introduce two foreign languages (EN and FR) from a very early age to preschool children of new Member states (or candidates) and Greece. This will be achieved by using a common to kindergartens pedagogical method of learning through art activities, crafts and play materials, but in a completely innovative way.

A 3D cartoon, the Apple, will be the children’s guide to foreign language learning through craft activities that will help them develop at the same time cognitive, social and motor skills. The 3D cartoon will use the children’s mother tongue (using Audio technique) in order to explain the craft to be made and at the same time the cartoon will introduce children to English or French (they will have the option to switch on language) vocabulary and basic sentences and phrases.

Language courses will be divided to 80 different sections. Each section will include:
a) all steps for creating a craft (3D) according to the section’s subject through video animation,
b) related vocabulary (English and French) pronunciation & writing,
c) related music theme, d) funny games related to subject,
d) printed instructions for teachers and parents.

Every craft will be presented by using the 3D animation technology and video technology; subjects will be selected carefully promoting each country’s cultural uniqueness and allowing consistency in mental processes from which language learning emerges. All crafts will use materials found around the house like papers, boxes, clothes etc.

According to the country-origin of each participating institution, A.P.P.L.E. project will develop different CD ROMs using the same crafts and foreign languages vocabulary, but will be presented in a different language environment. For example, the CD ROM for the Greek partner will be presented in Greek (Apple cartoon will be speaking Greek) and all printed materials for teachers and parents will be also written in Greek. Foreign languages’ material will remain the same for all CD ROMs developed.  

The printed material will include two booklets, one for teachers and parents and the other only for parents. The first booklet will include all instructions for developing the crafts, all foreign language vocabulary included in the CD ROM and notes for the pronunciation and basic grammar. The second booklet will include information for the parents concerning the necessity of early language learning, studies and researches which suggest the parents’ cooperation and assistance of children in foreign language learning from a very early age.

Also, a web site will be developed for the promotion of the new language tool, including information about the benefits of early foreign language learning. Our web site’s aim will be to disseminate to as wide an audience as possible, including parents and teachers, the above mentioned information.

We need from potential partners:
1)     to origin from a country belonging to the new Member States (or candidates),
2)     to have experience or working with preschool children,
3)     to have experience in foreign language teaching (specifically English and French),
4)     to have cooperation with or being a kindergarten for the pilot application of the new language tool.

A.P.P.L.E. project’s partners will:
1)     assist with the selection of crafts used for the CD ROM
2)     translate in their mother tongue and record the cartoon’s speaking   
3)     translate in their mother tongue all material given for the two booklets
4)     translate in their mother tongue all material given for the Web site
5)     assist to the pilot application of the product in kindergartens of their country
6)     assist with the dissemination process  


-- Edited by webmaster at 00:46, 2005-09-21



Proiectul A.P.P.L.E. (Educația Lingvistică a Preșcolarilor printr-un Pachet Autonom) urmărește promovarea învățării de timpuriu a limbilor străine la preșcolarii din grupele combinată și pregătitoare pentru ciclul primar din noile state membre sau candidate la Uniunea Europeană și Grecia. În cadrul proiectului vom dezvolta un nou instrument lingvistic care va introduce limbile engleză și franceză la copiii de grădiniță (3-5 ani și 5-6 ani) printr-o metodă inovativă utilizând tehnologiile multimedia.

Scopul nostru este de a motiva copiii de vârstă preșcolară pentru învățarea limbilor străine prin jocuri și creându-le condiții  lingvistice accesibile lor, totodată arătându-le părinților acestora avantajele studiului limbilor străine de la vârste mici.

Concret, proiectul A.P.P.L.E. va concepe și realiza programe soft pentru învățarea limbilor engleză și franceză pe suport CD-ROM pentru copiii preșcolari de la grupele de preșcolari combinată și pregătitoare pentru clasa întâi pentru a fi utilizate acasă (cu asistență din partea părinților acestora) sau ca material didactic în grădinițe (îndrumați de educatori). Activitățile care se vor desfășura fac apel la o metodă pedagogică obișnuită în educația preșcolarilor, aceea a învățării prin activități artistice, jocuri și confecționarea de jucării din materiale diverse, dar transpuse într-o manieră inovatoare.

Proiectul va pune un accent deosebit pe păstrarea unui echilibru între timpul petrecut în fața computerului și interacțiunea directă cu obiecte concrete. El va fi susținut și de un site pe Internet tradus în opt limbi europene și de materiale tipărite pentru părinți și personalul didactic.


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